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Data Licensing

The concept of “Data Licensing” is gaining increased attention in today’s landscape. However, it’s important to note that the introduction of a conceptual implementation of Data Licensing that lacks an explicit open license cannot be classified as open data.

In this context, many companies and their legal advisors may encounter a variety of agreements that pertain to the protection and handling of data and associated intellectual property (IP) rights. A data license functions as an agreement that permits the provision of price data for internal business use. This arrangement ensures compliance with specified terms and conditions while enhancing ease and efficiency through the data delivery systems that we manage and provide.

Data licensing holds significance due to its ability to offer diverse types of user-based term licenses. These licenses grant an array of capabilities at varying price points, granting organizations the flexibility to pay for data analysis and data visualization capabilities tailored to the needs of each type of user within the organization. This approach provides the data owner with comprehensive control over the data, dictating the permissions granted to customers based on their specific requirements. From the owner’s standpoint, data licensing plays a pivotal role in maintaining control over the data, enabling industries to progress effectively. Licensing databases presents a multitude of options that cater to varying business needs, including the flexibility of updates on a weekly, real-time, or monthly basis, and the ability to customize data sets with valuable feedback and quality checks.

Customers often seek databases to meet both short-term and long-term needs. Data licensing offers vendors a streamlined approach to database agreements, addressing issues such as the absence of accurate databases, industry-specific databases, topic-specific databases, dependency on publishers and affiliate channels, limited databases lacking market research, high email bounce-back ratios, low-quality databases, database duplication, and strategies to segment audiences on social media.

Industries spanning education, technology, healthcare, marketing, oil and gas, real estate, telecom, automotive, finance, banking, retail, publishing, travel, manufacturing, and more can greatly benefit from strategic data licensing agreements. Such agreements not only meet specific business needs but also contribute to the overall growth and efficiency of the industry as a whole.